
The www.footsolutions.ie website and all parts thereof, with the exception of certain hyperlinks to companies or organisations with whom we temporarily collaborate, is the property of Foot Solutions. It is strictly prohibited to publicise, reproduce or store the website or any part thereof without prior written permission from Foot Solutions.

The content of this website and other communication by Foot Solutions on the Internet has been compiled with the utmost care. However, it may occur that information published by Foot Solutions is incomplete and/or incorrect. The information on the website is supplemented and/or modified regularly. Foot Solutions retains the right to input any changes immediately and without any (prior) notification.

Certain hyperlinks in this site lead to websites outside the domain of Foot Solutions, which are not the property of Foot Solutions, and which have been included solely for information purposes. Once these links are activated, the visitor leaves the Foot Solutions website. While Foot Solutions is extremely selective regarding the sites to which links are included, we cannot guarantee their content or functioning, nor the quality of any products and/or services offered by them.

Images shown may only be available in participating stores and are subject to availability.