Foot Health in Pregnancy

3 min read

Pregnancy is a time of great change for a woman, with almost every aspect of her body undergoing transformations due to the hormonal and physical shifts that are taking place. Increased weight, a different centre of balance and softer ligaments can result in many uncomfortable conditions in the body at this time, and many of these can affect the feet.

If you have any concerns about pain in your feet, you should see your doctor, and you should always seek medical advice as soon as possible if you notice swelling that is unusual or uneven. However, many foot conditions that are common in pregnancy can be easily treated at home.

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Feet:

Pregnancy - footwear1. Flat feet. The feet and ankles will be under greater pressure during pregnancy, due to the increased weight they will be carrying. This can cause the feet to roll inwards as you walk, a condition known as over pronation, which can cause flat feet and foot pain. Wearing shoes that fit properly and give you good arch and heel support is essential to correct this problem.

2. Swelling. During pregnancy the body retains more water, and it is common to experience swelling of the feet and ankles as a result of this. Your feet will tend to swell throughout the day, especially in warm weather or if you have been unable to rest and elevate your feet during the day. You should wear comfortable shoes and do regular foot exercises to reduce the risk of swelling, and drink plenty of water. Compression stockings or socks may be very helpful in improving your circulation, but always seek advice for this from your doctor or pharmacist.

3. Smelly feet. The development of sweaty or smelly feet is common in pregnancy, and is often due to the feet being restricted by shoes that are tighter than usual because of swelling. You can try wearing larger shoes made of natural materials along with moisture wicking socks. You could also try using powder or spray specifically for this purpose.

4. Heel spurs. Heel spurs are a painful condition resulting from calcium deposits that form when the plantar fascia tears away from the heel. This can happen as a result of being overweight, and is more common in pregnancy due to the extra weight of the baby you are carrying. Orthotics or heel lift inserts can help to relieve the pain and provide extra cushioning.

5. Larger feet. As your ligaments loosen during pregnancy, the feet can widen and become larger. You can combat this by wearing good shoes and using insoles if you need more support, by doing foot exercises throughout your pregnancy, and by avoiding excessive weight gain.

Find Orthotic Friendly Shoes in Ireland

Wearing shoes that fit you well and give your feet the support they need is the best way to keep your feet in great condition. Pop into Foot Solutions today to find the best footwear for your feet during pregnancy, and see what a difference the right shoes can make!