Plantar Fasciitis: Causes And Solutions

3 min read

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful foot problem, which is believed to be caused by small tears in the plantar fascia, the ligament that runs along the underside of the foot. The plantar fascia should stretch while you are walking, but if you walk with an uneven gait, or repeatedly stress the ligament, for example by running, it can become weak, inflamed and painful.

Well-fitted shoes are essential to curing plantar fasciitis, especially if you are continuing to run while your foot is injured. Shoes with proper support will help the foot to recover and prevent further damage from occurring, although it can also be very important to take anti-inflammatory measures, such as massaging with an iced water bottle, and to carry out specific stretching exercises in order to promote healing. Plantar_Fasciitis-fs-blog

What Can I Do For Fallen or High Arches?

There are many conditions that can cause plantar fasciitis, and problems that affect the arches of your feet are among these. High arches, or flat feet caused by fallen arches, can create unusual pronation of the foot, leading it to twist or roll inward. Visiting a specialist store such as Foot Solutions can be helpful, as you can take a free gait analysis test, which will enable a professional fitter to see where your feet need the most support.

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis:

1. Stay healthy. Carrying extra weight puts a lot of additional strain on your feet and can cause a number of foot problems. Ensuring that you take regular exercise and eat a healthy, balanced diet will help you to maintain your general health and your foot health at the same time.

2. Choose good shoes. Shoes that are badly fitted, uncomfortable or not cushioned enough for your feet can cause pain and irritation. Making sure that your shoes are good quality and well fitted is a great way to prevent foot problems and keep your feet feeling fabulous.

3. Pay attention to your feet. Don’t ignore any pain that you may feel in your feet. If you are experiencing regular pain or discomfort, rest your feet, give them the care and attention they need with specific exercises and massage, and allow them to heal before you return to an intensive training regime.

4. Walk correctly. The way that your feet strike the ground when you walk or run can cause many problems for your feet, especially if you’re wearing the wrong shoes for your gait. A gait analysis test can help, and it’s important not to change the way you place your feet in order to avoid pain, as this will lead to further difficulties and put pressure on your legs, hips and back as well.

5. Be kind to your feet. Don’t demand too much of your feet, especially if you are exercising. Running harder, or for longer, than usual may cause you difficulties, and running up steep hills, running on hard surfaces and wearing worn out running shoes can all cause plantar fasciitis.

Find Comfort at Foot Solutions

If you’re experiencing foot pain or think you may have plantar fasciitis, visit your local branch of Foot Solutions to discuss your lifestyle with our professional team and find a solution that works for you.