Common Calf Pain – Causes and Solutions

3 min read

Your calves play an important role in stabilizing and controlling your feet.  This means that changing your exercise routine or even wearing a different pair of shoes can result in pain and soreness in the calves.  There are a variety of other conditions that can contribute to calf pain, as well.  Read on to learn more about some of the common calf pain causes.

Muscle Strain

Calf pain can often be attributed to a simple case of muscle strain or muscle fatigue.  Muscle strain itself is usually caused by a change in exercise routine or increase in activity.

This may result in minor soreness, and will usually resolve with time and rest.  A severe injury can cause a muscle or tendon to tear, which is much more painful.

The gastrocnemius muscle in the calf is a common location for a muscle tear. You can minimize the odds of straining or tearing a muscle by stretching before you exercise.

Sports Injuries

Calf pain is often caused by exercise or sports injuries.  Shin splints, in particular, are a common type of calf pain that results from exercise.  Shin splints are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome.

Runners are common victims of shin splints. Shin splints are usually caused by overpronation, which refers to how the foot hits the ground when you walk or run.  Having high arches in your feet can also cause shin splints.

Pain caused by shin splints can be relieved by wearing shoes that correct the gait and using orthotic inserts to support high arches.


Tendonitis refers to the inflammation of a tendon.  It can affect any tendon, including those located in the calves, ankles, and feet.

The Achilles tendon and the posterior tibial tendon are common locations for tendonitis that causes calf pain. Having an irregular foot structure, like high arches or flat feet, can cause tendonitis to develop.

Wearing supportive footwear that helps to stabilize the foot structure can help to minimize the effects of tendonitis.


Pregnant women often experience calf and foot pain, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. Changes in the body’s hormones cause the arch of the foot to relax and compress. Weight gain places additional pressure on the feet and legs.

Together, these factors can cause a woman to develop flat feet during pregnancy.  It can also put stress on the calf muscles, because the legs have to work harder to keep the feet and body stable.

It is particularly important for pregnant women to wear supportive footwear, during exercise and throughout the day.  Although a woman’s foot structure may have been normal prior to pregnancy, the effects of pregnancy can cause the feet to become flat.  Putting strain on flat feet can cause lasting damage to the body.

Medical Problems

If you suffer from medical problems like diabetes or arthritis, you are more likely to experience calf and foot pain. Certain types of medication can also cause pain and cramping in the legs.

If you have calf pain due to a medical problem, you should focus on keeping your medical condition in check.  In addition, you should wear supportive footwear and remain as active as possible.

If you have calf pain or foot pain, visit Foot Solutions UK.  Our team of professionals can do many things to help resolve your foot problems. We will carry out a free foot & gait analysis, which includes measuring your feet to make sure that you are wearing the proper size. We can provide you with supportive shoes and custom arch supports to make sure that you have the support that you need.