Chilblains – what are they and what can you do about them??????

3 min read

Keeping Chilblains at Bay Through The Cold Season – A Guide To Winter Footcare

ChilblainsAs the nights begin to draw in and the morning chill gets even chillier, the oncoming winter can seem an intimidating prospect. The winter months inevitably mean that cold temperatures, dark evenings and plenty of rain is on its way!

The changes in temperature that we all experience throughout the colder season can, unfortunately, play havoc with our feet. In the winter, it’s more important than ever to look after your feet properly, especially as you are at an increased risk of developing chilblains.

Chilblains: What Are They?

Chilblains are small, itchy lumps that appear on your skin, most commonly your extremities, such as your feet. Without treatment, chilblains can become dry, cracked or blistered, not to mention cause considerable discomfort and pain. Chilblains occur as a direct reaction to the cold weather, so it’s especially important to take precautions to avoid them in the winter.

How to Prevent Chilblains  – Watch here

Fortunately, chilblains can be easily avoided, and are easily treatable; though of course, if symptoms persist then you should take extra care to visit your GP for a check-up.

These handy tips will help you to enjoy a chilblain-free winter:

1. Undertake regular light exercise. Chilblains affect the extremities, so it is important to maintain healthy circulation to these areas of the body. Daily walking can be especially beneficial, though it is important to consult a GP or health expert before undertaking a new fitness programme.

2. Avoid radical changes in temperature. While it is tempting to press your toes against the radiator when you have just come in from the cold, or else sink your frozen feet straight into a hot bath, this could actually directly increase your chances of developing chilblains. The condition occurs most often when the feet are exposed to drastic changes from cold to hot so try to keep them at a steady, warm temperature throughout the day.

3. Wear comfortable footwear. A common cause of chilblains is through wearing shoes and socks which are too tight. This often results in itchy, sore, irritated skin, as the shoes and socks rub the toes, as well as the sides and back of the feet. Foot Solutions are on hand to help you find a fit which works with your feet, and can offer advice on what footwear is best suited to your requirements.

4. Take care of your feet. Chilblains can result from having damp or neglected feet – a particular problem when the weather is persistently cold and dank. To minimise the chances of irritation, make sure to keep your feet dry, particularly after bathing or showering. For extra care, use cotton wool between the toes to absorb extra moisture and improve circulation.

5. Maintain a healthy diet. Your feet, just like the rest of you, will benefit from a healthy diet – so be sure to stock up on those winter vegetables!

Comfort Shoes that Help You to Avoid Chilblains This Winter

These are just some of the ways you can hopefully go about enjoying your winter without having to worry about chilblains or other foot-related problems. To find out more about how to care for your feet in the winter or to arrange a friendly consultation at your local Foot Solutions, comfort shoe shop in Ireland, click here.