Foot Callus Treatment from Foot Solutions

4 min read

foot callus treatmentMore than any other part of your body, your feet take a lot of wear and tear.  The average person walks more than 100,000 miles in their lifetime; that’s a lot to ask of your feet.

It’s no wonder that at some point you will probably develop a minor foot problem.  One of the most common foot conditions that people experience is a callus.

A callus is simply an area of thickened, tough skin.  A callus actually forms to protect a sensitive area of skin from friction and pressure.  They usually form on the heel or the ball of the foot.

The fat pad on the bottom of our feet thins with age.  The body reacts by developing calluses, which protect the foot from pressure and chafing.  However, bearing weight on the callus causing it to press against the foot’s tissue, can causing aching or tenderness.

Calluses are often caused by wearing high heels or shoes that don’t fit well.  Shoes that are too tight can squeeze the feet, causing calluses to develop.  Shoes that are too loose allow the foot to move around, which results in friction.

This friction can also cause calluses to develop.  You are more likely to get calluses if you have flat feet, spend a lot of time walking on hard surfaces, or have thinning skin on the soles of your feet. Note: the following treatment options apply to those who have no history of neuropathy (loss of sensation) in the feet. If a callus develops on a Diabetic foot, then it is always best to seek advice from a medical professional e.g a chiropodist/podiatrist, before commencing any treatment.

Foot Callus Treatment Options

So you have calluses on your feet.  What can you do about it?  Turns out, there are plenty of things you can do about it.  Try these suggestions.

  1. Find the source.  Something is causing those calluses to develop.  Figure out what it is.  Are your shoes rubbing on that spot?  Throw them out and get a new pair.
  2. Cut your toenails.  Your toenails serve a purpose; they are there to protect your feet.  If your toenails are too long, though, they press against your shoes, making your toe bend a little bit.  The joint can then rub against your shoes, causing a callus to develop.  Cut your toenails straight across, and keep them short enough that they don’t extend past the edge of your toe.
  3. Soak your feet.  Put your feet in a bath of warm water and Epsom salts (always ask your pharmacist for advice on the use of Epsom salts & the correct dosage).  Leave them there for a while to soften, and then file those calluses down with a pumice stone, moving it in a sideways direction.  You can also try soaking your feet in a solution of baking soda and water.
  4. Moisturise your feet – at night. Doing so during the day, may only cause more moisture & friction.
  5. Apply padding to the surrounding areas.  You can protect a callus on your foot by using a piece of moleskin.  Pick up a package at the pharmacy, and cut two small pieces into half-moon shapes.  Stick them on either side of the callus to keep it from being further irritated.
  6. Wear the right shoes.  Get your feet measured.  They may not be the size that you used to wear, and your left and right feet may not even be the same size as each other.  Choose a pair that is supportive, pliable, and comfortable – i.e a pair that doesn’t cause pressure spots.
  7. Get your feet & gait assessed to see if an arch support (shoe insert) will help – a customized one will help to transfer weight bearing pressure, so that it distributed more evenly across the entire foot. These devices can also be modified to help specific pressure points e. g callus at the ball of foot area. Sometimes – an over the counter solution may also work.

These steps can help you to get rid of calluses and avoid developing new ones.  If you have foot pain or calluses, visit Foot Solutions UK.

Our team of professionals can do many things to resolve your foot problems. We will measure your feet to make sure that you are wearing the proper size and help you choose supportive shoes & arch supports.  Visit Foot Solutions UK in your area today.